Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Need for White Noise Machine & Why Some Patients Don't Get Enough Sleep in Hospitals

"Paranormal Activity", a movie about the unseen, or ghost in layman's term, has successfully given its viewers the creeps, and hospitals can be spooky at worst during night time.  However, most patients have not seen ghosts, or ever believed there's one, but they have complained of sleep loss during their hospital stay.  Why?

Seriousness of the Problem

Being in a hospital for whatever reason is already alarming; what more if instead of getting better, your condition turned for the worse, simply because you can't sleep?  Did you know that lack of sleep may affect your blood pressure and your heart rate, plus increase your stress levels?  You are in the hospital to get better!

It's Not What You See; It's What You Hear

Most hospitals do not consider noise a threat to health, but it is.  Imagine not being able to sleep when you desperately want to, or not getting sufficient sleep during your hospital stay because of intruding noise inside your hospital room or along its corridors. How would you ever get back in shape?  And noise need not be too loud to cause distraction.  It's enough that you hear it, and you pay attention to it.  So, move over, ghost.  Noise is a bigger problem!

The Silent Solution

White noise machines are portable electronic gadgets that emit "white noise" or low-level background sound that masks intruding noise and brings it to a level the human brain cannot understand.  What the human brain cannot perceive, it does not pay attention to, so you don't get distracted.

For a better explanation of the white noise phenomenon, please click on this link:

What is Sound Masking?

Make your hospital stay beneficial to your health, or to someone you love.  A white noise machine does not cost much, but it can help shorten your hospital stay, and limit your hospitalization costs.

                                                                   Source: officewhitenoise.com via Speech Privacy on Pinterest

Recommended Amazon Products:

The Harvard Medical School Guide to a Good Night's Sleep (Harvard Medical School Guides)

Monday, June 11, 2012

How to Maintain Silence in the Work Place

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How often have you caught yourself escaping your cubicle to join in a noisy conversation across the room? Busy or not, too much noise can bring dangerous effects towards your work performance.

Related Post:  Silencing of the Office Chatterbox: Why You Should Invest in White Noise Machines

In this case, it is important to find solutions to battle noise. Asking the noisy co-worker to steam down is effective; but this isn't applicable in all cases. Sometimes, shyness would kick in and would stop you from saying anything that might seem hurtful to a person. Fortunately, there are alternatives to maintaining a silent workplace and help you regain your concentration on work. Below are 4 helpful tips that can improve your job performance and maintain peace and quiet at work.

1. If you have individual offices instead of cubicles, you are surely one lucky worker. Thick cotton curtains have the unique ability of absorbing sound waves. Cover your office windows with long, floor length curtains to lessen noise pollution. If you work in an office cubicle, you can ask your superiors to move you to a rarely visited section of the office or an area that is far from the walkway.

2. Purchase quality earphones which are comfortable to use. You need not connect them to a music player but while working, put them on so you can concentrate on your work. They could block about 40% of surrounding noise.

Also Read:  The End of Office Gossip: Speech Privacy and Why You Should Invest in White Noise Machines

3. Train yourself to concentrate on your work alone. Mind conditioning will be tough but once you've trained yourself to block out unnecessary noise mentally, you will find it easy to control all sorts of noise everywhere you go.

4. If mind conditioning does not work for you, the most effective route would be using sound masking systems to mask noise pollution. The soothing sounds from a sound masking system can block unhelpful noise and can also erase stress caused by disruptive noise. You will definitely become a more productive worker at the end of the day.

Sound Oasis Deluxe Office White Noise System

Don't let noise overpower your productivity. With the use of effective sound masking devices, you can get back to work feeling at ease and energized in no time.

  This Blog Wishes to Thank:     

Guest Blogger:  Paula Preston
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4268459

White Noise System - The Art (and Technology) Of Deep Concentration

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If you are a busy person who is constantly and actively on the go, you might find it difficult to concentrate on a certain topic for a long period of time. While your body may seem poised and relaxed, your mind could be off wandering elsewhere, thinking about another concern.

This is a problem which most teenagers, usually students and workaholics face. Due to stress and perhaps, anxiety, concentrating on a single subject or topic becomes much more difficult to handle and often times, you might find yourself thinking about another project, report, or situation when you should be focusing on your present concern. Such a phenomenon is caused by so many factors, but stress, the urge to multi-task and anxiety are on top of the list.

Related Post:   Sound Masking and Three Other Cool Tips on How You can Get More out of Your Work Day

To get rid of this odd behavior, you need to teach yourself how to concentrate on one project at a time and if you must multi-task, then train yourself to concentrate on the present amount of tasks, not worry about other things, and try to limit the responsibilities which you need to carry out at a certain amount of time.

Techniques like these work best with the use of a white noise system that will further stimulate your thinking. White noise systems help in relaxing your mind and your body so you will be able to catch up on some good night's sleep or to simply attain some peace and quiet in your present environment. Despite how noisy it gets outside your office or room, there is a way for you to "shut" the noise out with the help of a white noise system.

Model:   Privacy Guard White Noise System

White noise machine is a very unique tool that helps in masking noise in your environment. It drowns unnecessary noise and replaces it with peaceful, soothing sounds that make your body and mind relax. If you are in your office, working on a certain project, you will find it easier to think and focus on your current task since white noise systems have been proven to increase productivity in the workplace as well as speed up thinking processes.

Check this Out:  Featuring...Noise Shield White Noise Machine

A lot of busy people have been switching to white noise systems to help them conquer noise and improve their concentration. This also makes it easier for students to remain focused in class, improve their memory, and fend off other distractions when they study.

Experience the wonders of white noise systems and find out how to improve your sleeping pattern and concentration with effective sound masking systems.

This Blog Wishes to Thank: 

Guest Blogger:  Paula Preston
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4327731

Photo Featured on this Blog:
Kittikun Atsawintarangkul/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Voice Arrest Sound Masking and How It Helps in Boosting Employees Morale

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Are you managing people? Voice Arrest Sound Masking is an innovative solution to keeping your job less stressful. Here's why.

Managing Personalities Not People

You know how nerve-wracking it is to manage "personalities", rather than people, and a good office manager is one who can get things done through the efforts of his employees, regardless of their moods, personality traits or individual differences. However, it takes more than a "nice" manager to keep the business viable. He needs to invest in sound masking.

Keep Reading:   Tips on How to Energize Deadbeat Employees

The Talking Point: Revenue

Keeping the business profitable is the core objective of every business undertaking, for what is business if it does not make money? You would not go into business and commit financial suicide, would you?

A good manager is one who will stop at nothing to realize this objective, but modest enough to admit that he cannot achieve this goal without the help of other people: his employees.

It is a thin line to walk on, often times challenging. On one hand, the manager has to make sure that he positions his people like ducks on water, wading straight to where he wants to bring the organization, but on the other hand, he also has to look after the welfare of his people. To strike a balance between making money and keeping people happy is a good trait of a manager. This is where a cost-efficient and highly-effective sound masking system can help.

Model:   Sound Oasis Basic White Noise Machine

What Sound Masking Does

Foot traffic, humming sound of office printers, fax machines, A/C units, and the buzzing of the telephone - these all make up noise that is indispensable in an ordinary office setting. You are clueless as to how these noise distractions can make your head spin, disrupt your focus and diminish your productivity, until the boss calls you for a slugfest (read: talk) about your performance.

Imagine to be out of job at this time when millions of Americans are struggling to find one. This is not the right time to flip pages of classified ads; instead of losing your job, get your acts together and show your boss that you are still worth every dime he puts into your pay envelope.

If you can't purchase a personal sound masking system to protect you from noise distractions in the office, gather all your guts and talk to your boss. Retaining an employee costs less than hiring and training a new one.

Sound masking protects your employer's bottom line, as well as your job. It masks noise that seems harmless, but in reality causes far more damage than other repetitive strain injuries combined; in fact, in 2008, US companies lost billions of dollars due to work-related stress. Noise distractions are the forerunners of work-related stress that hampers productivity, and worse - your health.

So, is it not the right time to invest in a sound masking system?

Install Voice Arrest Sound Masking System today, your one-time solution against noise distractions.
Your employees deserve a conducive working environment where they can focus on their tasks and become productive without the hazard of noise. Noise causes work-related stress, and stress is the root cause of occupational illnesses that hamper employee's performance, and busts your revenue.


   Photo credits:  Ambro/freedigitalphotos.net

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6047962 

A Powerful Secret of an Employee Employers Won't Fire

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Sorry, but it's NOT what you think it is!

"When company's revenue hits a snag, more heads will roll". This is more of a verdict than a warning. If you happen to be at the receiving end of this grim announcement, it is time to take a long hard look at your performance and honestly assess if you are your employer's asset or his dismal failure.

Recognizing the problem is half its solution. Have you been meeting work deadlines? Do you contribute?

Trouble rears its ugly head when your performance at work starts to nosedive and you can't pinpoint the cause. You begin to miss deadlines, and to summon concentration towards your work requires effort. You find it too easy to cook up alibis why you deliver less, and perform poorly. You have a bad case of work-related stress that has to be dealt with accordingly, before your situation gets worse.

Nemesis of Productivity

Are you having trouble with noise at the workplace? Noise dissipates energy and makes you lose two hours daily to distractions. Do something about it. If you can't kick it, mask it!

Also Read:   New Portable Office Gadget That May Just Save you from Lay-off

Sound Masking is the solution. It is achieved when background sound cuts into existing noise or speech in a given environment and renders it incomprehensible.

Interchangeably referred to as "white noise", this low level sound creates speech privacy even in high-traffic areas. White noise comes in soothing variants of ocean waves or other natural sounds.

More Than Masking Noise

This innovative technology also protects your communication. Speech privacy is crucial when you work in the military or in hospitals where confidential information should be protected at all cost; however, even in a sales-driven company, privacy in communication should take center-stage. You would not take chances making your all-important sales call while another agent is within hearing distance, would you?

With sound masking system in place, you can make all those sales calls you have been wanting to make and nail them down! You will not be bothered by eavesdroppers prying on your conversation; your privacy (read: sales) is entirely covered.

So, there goes the secret of an employee the Boss never wants to fire: productivity. Who would want to fire an employee who carries his own cost?

Related Post:   Powerful Tips on How Mini Keyboards and Sound Masking Systems can Fire up Your Performance

Where to Find the Solution

Sound masking systems for individual employees are available on the internet. There are many good websites you can visit, and there is always a gadget suitable for your budget.

Find a sound masking unit that delivers two benefits for a price of one: first, it masks noise that hampers your concentration, and two, it protects your conversations. It masks your own voice when you interact with a client on the phone, or talks with a colleague inside your work station. Most importantly, it should render your conversation unintelligible to a third party who should not be privy about it.

Sonet Personal White Noise Machine

The Sonet Sound Masking System is easy to install; it would not require a technician's expertise to install it inside your cubicle or work area in an open-office. Visit SpeechPrivacySystems.com for more information.


Photo:   adamr/freedigitalphotos.net
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6047614

Tips on How to Energize Deadbeat Employees

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A world-cruise might do the job; however, would you have the budget? To spur on employees back to productivity does not necessarily require a vacation, but a closer look at the source of the problem, and pull it out of its roots. If noise is causing the worn-out feeling, your best solution is a sound masking system, commonly called white noise machine, among other tips.

Why a white noise machine and not thicker partition walls or better earphones?

If you have not noticed, some office employees have thought about the earphone-strategy to combat office noise, long before white noise machines became a buzzword on the internet. However, neither thick partition walls nor good earphones have provided effective relief from noise distractions.

How Does White Noise Machine Eliminate Noise?

White noise machines DO NOT eliminate noise; in fact, manufacturers have warned the public about unscrupulous businessmen who have made false claims about the product.

Instead, what the machine does is to "mask" noise, or neutralize it to a level where the human brain cannot understand it. It was proven by research and various studies that noise only distracts when your mind understands it. However, once it's masked by an unstructured sound, like the sound produced by a white noise machine, the brain can no longer understand it, and cancels it out.
The Ill-Effects of Noise

The deadbeat feeling or exhaustion in most offices today is primarily caused by office noise, and secondarily, by ill-fitting office equipments.

But who can stage a boycott? Most people do not understand what is happening; stress is often blamed on hard work.

Noise dissipates energy, causes stress and lowers efficiency level. Add these all up and you have a recipe for trouble.

How to Energize Deadbeat Employees

1. Eliminate noise. Treat the noisy environment by installing white noise machines. A peaceful office environment is a channel through which you can draw a person's maximum potential; don't scrimp on the chance.

Also Read:   How to Maintain Silence in the Work Place

2. Replace standard keyboards with ergonomic mini keyboards that suit individual preferences of their users. For instance, a left-handed keyboard is appropriate for use of all lefties, while those who prefer a wider desk place may consider buying a split-keyboard that was engineered to meet this need.

Related Post:   Powerful Tips on How Mini Keyboards and Sound Masking Systems can Fire up Your Performance

3. Create a physical fitness program that promotes well-being and team- building among employees and staff.

And as words of advice: do not expect too much from an employee. This causes stress. You really cannot expect a chicken to fly like an eagle, only in the movies. Respect human limitations. Capitalize on strengths rather than highlight weaknesses. Heap praises when necessary and be gentle when you reprimand. Motivate from within.

Noise Shield White Noise Machine

Noise Shield White Noise Machine and other white noise machines for home, travel and individual offices are available at SpeechPrivacySystems.com and WhiteNoiseDirect.com.

Noise Shield is easy to operate; no technical expertise necessary. Please click on Noise Shield Video for more information.


Photo:  Ambro/freedigitalphotos.net
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6561632

Silencing of the Office Chatterbox: Why You Should Invest in White Noise Machines

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When is it time to invest in speech privacy systems or white noise machines?

Speech privacy is integral in your business success. If you wish to safeguard confidential information, regardless of whether you are managing a small business, a corporate firm, or an open office, you need to install white noise machines in your office premise. They are cost-effective and easy to setup.

How Noise Affects Your Bottom Line

Noise pollution is a serious business problem. The survey made by Cornell University underlined the growing trend among employees who have disclosed that noise pollution has affected their problem-solving ability. Several people have also claimed lack of interest towards their jobs as they have experienced feelings of stress and "burn out". It all boils down to a noisy office environment, which uses more energy than the pressure of having to beat deadlines every now and then.

Related Post:   How to Maintain Silence in the Work Place

What You Can Do Before Office Distractions Get Out of Hand

The most effective solution against office distractions is the use of modern-day technologies like speech privacy systems and sound masking devices. These simple and cost-efficient tools can make noise inaudible and therefore will not cause distraction to your employees. As speech privacy is enhanced, private communications among top-brass company officials remain within the walls of the boardroom. Even conversation between a supervisor and his subordinate is secured, unless one of them gossips about it.
On the other hand, if office distractions are left unchecked, noise pollution results in "disengaged employees", which means:

• Employees becoming unproductive, as they cannot focus well on their work;
• They become habitual absentees, due to stress;
• Productivity is diminished; revenues dip.
• Employees may opt to resign; hiring and training of new employees always incur cost.

However, with the right acoustic management system in place, a commendable change in employee performance and behavior may be reached. Low to nil office distractions will improve concentration and diminish the rate of inconsistencies in reports; less stress for employees.  So what do you think? Is it about time you find out more about speech privacy systems?


Photo:  Photostock/Freedigitalphotos.net
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5396362

The End of Office Gossip: Speech Privacy and Why You Should Invest in White Noise Machines

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With new technologies emerging, what are the best methods to steer employees away from distractions?

Is it really worth investing in white noise machines?

White noise machines are easy to install and very cost-effective. Irrespective of the number of people working for your company, be it a small business, an open office or a large firm employing hundreds of people, noise arrest technology is essential for ensuring privacy of your conversations.

Model:   Noise Shield White Noise Machine

Work distractions, poor productivity and lower morale are among the top effects of noise pollution and poor office speech privacy. More than 80% of US employees show signs of distractions that may hinder them from completing their assigned tasks on time. Your employees could be part of the statistics.

That is why sound masking offers a clear-cut approach towards reducing distractions and providing workers additional safeguards for speech privacy. A comprehensive approach to the technology will help boost user productivity in the long run.

High levels of noise pollution can result in "disengaged employees", and that leads to:

Workers having 27% more rate of absenteeism and a higher percentage of poor work output, as well as 50% possibility that they hand you their letter of resignation. And for you to begin search, then hire and train new employees, it will cause another dent in your wallet.

When white noise machines are installed in your office premises, you will see positive effects, instantaneously: many employees will gain substantial boost in their level of productivity; lesser distractions, fewer stress-related injuries, and a display of high-level efficiency at work.

Speech Privacy Systems work. What more can you ask for?

Related Post:   Silencing of the Office Chatterbox: Why You Should Invest in White Noise Machines


Photo:  David Castillo Dominici/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5401060

Walls Have Ears: Protect Your Secrets With White Noise Machines

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Speech privacy system is not a miracle technology. It doesn't work at just a snap of a finger. It requires your decision - right now - to make an investment in white noise machines that will deliver your desired results.

White noise machines will curb ill-effects of noisy working environment - be it in your home office, in your firm, or in your clinic. With better acoustics program where they work, your employees' performance at work - efficiency and productivity, included - will surge. Consequently, your business will grow.

Now, after reading the statement above, are you willing to make a leap of faith with white noise machines?

Give speech privacy systems a try. You will not be sorry; here are three reasons why:

1. Speech Privacy to the Max. There is no better way to safeguard speech privacy in a small office, a corporate headquarters, or even in an open office where people may rub elbows too often than necessary because of the cramp space, than to invest in white noise machines. You would not want confidential management's decisions leak out to your staff, or your employees pre-empting your say on any corporate matter, right? Speech privacy should be maintained within the confines of your office or within the walls of your boardroom; white noise machines make sure you are covered even at times you are too pre-occupied to even notice it.

Also Read:   Walls Have Ears: Protect Your Secrets With White Noise Machines

2. Increases Efficiency. Focus is near-impossible in a noisy environment. Diminished concentration often results in inefficiency.

Keep Reading:   Personal Sound Masking System: How it Improves Competence at Work

3. Improves Productivity. With a favorable place in which to work, your employees will be able to deliver accurate reports in a timely manner. Everyone in your organization will work as if on synergy, like a well-oiled machine. This will impact productivity, and as productivity continues to improve, revenues will consequently increase. You would want to see more figures in your bank account, right?

Related Post:   Powerful Tips on How Mini Keyboards and Sound Masking Systems can Fire up Your Performance

The "side-effects" of noise pollution and poor speech privacy are always detrimental to the lifeblood (read: revenue) of your business. Noise pollution may cause work-related stress that can put your employees' health on the line. Habitual absenteeism, inefficiency, and lack of verve will give you a preview of where your company is heading to, unless you decide to give your business a boost with the use of white noise machines.


Photo:  DaniloRizzuti/FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5401156

Beware of Eavesdroppers: How to Keep Your Conversations Private in a Not-So-Private Place

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Speech privacy is crucial to the success of any business. You would not want your competitors to know what's cooking inside your boardroom, would you? You want to surprise them, just like how a lion devours its prey - sudden and on impact. To survive at the top of the food chain in today's competitive world, you should learn to be discreet when it is needed. One false move and your business is a total goner.

The Need for White Noise Machines

This is a huge challenge for managers of open-style offices where only cubicles provide a sense of privacy. Speech privacy is also on threat for small business owners who cannot opt for a better office layout, but to make do, at least for a while, with cramp spaces until business improves.

However, even corporate leaders in spacious office establishments are talking about the growing demand for ways on how they can minimize, if not totally eliminate, noise pollution in their workplaces, and on how they can secure oral privacy. Nobody seems to be off the hook when it comes to privacy issues and the ill-effects of noise.

Good, white noise machines are reasonably-priced and easy to install; the problem of noise and privacy-loss are things of the past.  Here are some models of white noise machines for office use, available at SpeechPrivacySystems.com:

Noise Shield White Noise Machine

Escape Personal White Noise Machine

Sonet Personal White Noise Machine

Advantages of White Noise Machines

If you're still looking for proof that noise pollution can have adverse effects on the performance of your employees, don't go very far. Just take a closer look at your income statements.

A survey conducted by Cornell University on 11 offices across the United States showed an alarming result: as much as 40% of employees experienced difficulty in solving technical problems and over 80% of the workers felt that noise pollution slowed them down or prevented them from completing their work on time.
Keeping the lines of communication secure is one of the main foundations of speech privacy systems and white noise machines. These nifty gadgets are also used to reduce distractions in the workplace, thereby boosting employees' productivity and consequently, the company's revenue.

No longer a debatable question; noise in the workplace has been proven to affect employees in a negative manner. Employees become disengaged from work, which translates to poor, work output; frequent sick leaves, and later on, their resignation are the common scenarios. Hiring and training of their replacement is another dent on the company's reserves.

So if you're looking for ways to tackle noise pollution, boost communication security and improve the overall productivity of your firm, your investment in speech privacy systems or white noise machines is the way to go.

Photo credit:  Ambro/freedigitalphotos.net

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5401703

How to Keep Top Brass Decisions Remain in the Boardroom and Out of Your Employees' Radar

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When you talk about speech privacy, your mind may easily conjure up images of spies trying to use recording devices to tap on your private conversations over telephone lines or through your cell phones. Perhaps, you would imagine yourself as Matt Damon (a.k.a. Jason Bourne) in his heart-pounding run for his life before he remembers that he was the antagonist before he ended up as the hero; or perhaps, you would see yourself in the shoes of Leonardo di Caprio in his "catch me if you can" daredevil stance, as he slides down the pole from your chimney (Oh, that was Santa Claus, sorry)...

Not Just in the Movies

Hollywood movies have successfully drummed up the need to secure conversations inside homes, offices and clinics as if some bad guy is after your piece of news. However, it is not just the movies. In business, you should always remember that your customer is your competitor's prospect; any piece of news that your competitor intercepts could pose a real threat to your business.

You need white noise machines to secure your conversations; you also need these gadgets installed in your office premise in order to avert other ill-effects of noise that you may unwittingly disregard, until you see the problem eating up your financial reserves.

Threats of Noise

Noise pollution affects an individual's problem-solving ability, as well as distracts his focus at work, diminishes his level of efficiency and lowers his productivity. Sum these up and you have bankruptcy at the doorway.

Investing in white noise machines can help your business secure oral privacy where it should stay: in the boardroom.

Even employees have the right to secure their conversations, as well. Not everyone can be privy to what two employees may discuss in the course of their duties. In open-offices where cubicles provide office layout, it is hardly a matter of time before a conversation can become a gossip.

And what about that boisterous laughter, the opening and closing of doors, ringing of the phone, the whooshing sound of air-conditioners? These are distractions that may cause stress and poor concentration among those who easily get affected by the nature of their environment

Before the situation gets out of hand, it is best to find out how speech privacy can protect your revenue from the dwindling effects of poor productivity, caused about by poor office acoustics.

Photo credit:  Ambro/freedigitalphotos.net

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5401637