Thursday, January 10, 2013

Use White Noise to Avoid Wasting Time Running a Home Business

White noise refers to soft, low-level background sound that is used to cover-up or mask intruding noise. It is produced by a white noise machine that comes in different models: for home use, office use, or travel. For effective coverage, choose the appropriate model for your specific sound masking needs.
Running a home business has its advantages, as well as its downsides. Most home business owners love their full rein on time; no boss, no time sheets, and nobody’s looking over their shoulder when they work. However, there are those who are unhappy with having too much time on their hands while running a home business, most especially if they have little to show for it.

Tips on How to Avoid Wasting Time

1. Make use of Sound Masking Technology. Starting a home business is an excellent idea, but keeping at it in the midst of noise coming from all corners of a house requires more than perseverance; it needs technology. This is where a white noise machine becomes an indispensable tool to a more productive home office.

Privacy Guard White Noise System available at

2. Define your Priorities. Rate them according to importance and relevance to your goals.
3. Decide on a Daily Schedule - more importantly, respect it. Writing a “To Do” list allocate productive time to priority tasks. When these get gone, you can start working on other tasks not in your priority list.
4. Set time breaks. These are 20-minute breaks you allow yourself to rest; take a walk in the yard, listen to good music, smell the flowers, have a cup of coffee…but make sure you don’t overdo it. Inasmuch as it is important to focus on your priority tasks and get these done, your body also needs a break. You will feel less stressed if you close your eyes during these 20-minute breaks, and allow them to rest. Your neck and shoulder muscles need to relax, too.
5. Do not trade in personal time with work, and vice versa. “There is a time for everything under the heavens”… you work when it is time to work, but when it is time to focus on yourself or on your family, do not hesitate to do it. Work is just one aspect of your life, regardless of how important it is, your life should not revolve solely around it.
Lack of concentration destroys your momentum to finish your work on time, and as you need extra time to get things done, you defy your daily schedule. A white noise machine can help you focus on work, so you will have time to share with people and things you care the most.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Need to Install White Noise Machine in Hospitals

“I can’t sleep in here, Mom let me go home” Kim told Therese. 

“But you are not well yet” Therese answered.

“How can I get well, Mom?  I can hear every footstep outside of my room, doors opening and closing every few minutes, and I don’t even have to peep; as soon as I hear giggles outside , I am sure that Dr. Ross, the hospital’s resident doctor who looks like Keanu Reeves, is making his hospital rounds!  Please, Mom let me go home…”

 Kim’s hospital experience is shared by many patients who have complained of not getting enough sleep during their hospital stay because of distracting noise.

When a patient is deprived of sleep, she experiences a faster heart rate; her blood pressure rises above normal, and she gets agitated. Feeling stressed-out while confined in a hospital bed does not sound like a patient is on her way to recovery, does it?

 Here is an innovative solution:  white noise machines for homes, individual offices, travels, and yes – hospitals and clinics!

Photo credit:  Phaitoon/