Sunday, December 4, 2011

New Portable Office Gadget That May Just Save you from Lay-off

To stay on top of their game, employers often think two or three steps ahead of their competitors, and would not hesitate to take on drastic measures against those they consider threats to the attainment of their goal.  If you don't show much teamwork or you contribute little in the accomplishment of your company's goals - that's a template for lay-off.  

How do you keep your job? It's no brainer:  deliver.   Show results that your employer expect from you.  Do not cause delay that may create a domino-effect on all other tasks and hamper the company’s deadline to accomplish an important project, or close a new deal.  No employer in his sane mind would lay-off an employee who contributes effectively towards a common goal and brings in more revenue. 

Impress your boss by finishing your tasks on time, or at less time - all the time.  Don’t gripe; provide solutions where there seems none.  Become a productive employee.  You’ll never go wrong on this one!

Here is one power tool that can help you achieve this goal -

Personal White Noise Machine.   This is an innovative solution to today’s cramped office spaces and open-office layouts where your privacy is compromised by a lack of space, and your chance to focus on your work gets as thin as the cubicle partition wall that separates you from an office mate.

Personal White Noise Machine is a lightweight sound masking device with a heavyweight effect on your work performance.  It is portable and easy on your budget, too.

 You can buy one unit and place it on top of your desk.  Personal white noise machine masks noise, a.k.a. office distractions that can destroy your focus, leave you disorganized, inefficient and unproductive. 

Work in Peace and in Style – Anywhere

Secure your job by becoming the kind of employee, any employer wishes to keep.  Become productive and efficient at work with a little help from a personal sound masking system you can carry around, and tune in to anytime a little quiet is necessary to keep your productivity going so you finish your job.  

Photo credit:  Ambro/

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