Monday, September 10, 2012

Sound Masking can Save You Money: The Cost of Noise

How long have you "killed time" in front of the water cooler chatting with a colleague, during office hours?  And how many hours more have you spent the entire day, while being paid for to do your job, listening to conversations around you?  Each time you pay attention to noise, somebody else is losing money - no, not your co-worker - but your employer!  And you knew what happened when someone killed the hen that laid the golden egg...

Sadly, you didn't care, did you?  Six more people in the same office may have done the same thing, and unwittingly, did not know how small acts of dilly-dallying in front of the phone, or the water cooler, can cost somebody's business a lot of small financial leaks to fix.  And "small leaks can sink a ship!"

Noisy co-workers may cause you, and each other, distractions that can hamper focus on a task-at-hand.  It is possible to commit errors at work when you lack concentration, and some errors can have repercussions that may be too hard to fix.  "It can bring the house down", so to speak.

White noise machine for individual offices can minimize, if not totally eliminate, noise distractions.  It masks intruding noise with the use of natural sounds that, uniformly and effectively, neutralize noise.  Privacy Guard White Noise System, a white noise machine with adaptive mode, is by far the most technologically-equipped sound masking system for individual office use. is a legit source of white noise machines for home use, office use, or for travel.  

Do your part to energize your productivity by weakening the hold of noise on your concentration while you work.  White noise machines for individual use is reasonably-priced; you can easily afford one.

Photo credits:  Master Isolated Images/

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