Wednesday, May 27, 2015

How Your Acoustics Environment Affects Your Business

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Your acoustic environment impacts your business, as has already been mentioned. Noise and conversational distractions lower productivity in open workplaces.

Imagine listening to employees whispering or talking in a very quiet room. It can be both annoying and frustrating because you could hardly get things done when you are distracted.

This constant distraction affects your level of performance; in fact, constant noise can result to what is referred to as "disengaged employees."

What Happens When Your Employees Become "Disengaged"?

Disengaged employees most likely:
-are 20% less productive
-have 28% more rates of absenteeism
- have 25-45% more chance to seek employment elsewhere

And fast turn-over is costly!

The bad news: conversational distraction is a hidden cost; nobody takes notice easily.

Are You Ready to Solve the Problem?

If you're ready to solve this problem, then here's a good solution to help improve your office privacy and ultimately increase your employee productivity and business profits: use sound masking!

Here is a video that explains the basics of sound masking.  Don't miss it!

Open Office Space Ideas: Sound Masking for Productive Employees

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Open Space Offices Are Breeding Ground of Intruding Noise

Office noise triggers inefficiency among employees, for who can work in an office environment that sounds like a colony of bees? Even productive employees are not spared from this phenomenon that affects productivity slowly, but surely.

Businesses are constantly in the lookout for new ways to cut down costs, and so the open space offices came about; however, the impact this idea has on the long term aspect of business is not very reassuring.

You Have Reached this Far...Are You Having Problems with Office Noise, too?

Elevated noise levels at the workplace can have a negative impact on employees' productivity.

Keep office noise under control by installing sound masking system, which masks unwanted noise at the workplace. Good office acoustics boost productivity. How? When distractions are eliminated, focus is improved; you will be surprised at what an employee can do, and how much he can deliver, if his concentration is unperturbed by noise.

To fully understand how open space offices affect employees' performance, please watch this video about the basics of sound masking.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Top 7 Benefits of Sound Oasis Basic White Noise Machine

The Sound Oasis Basic White Noise Machine weighs only 2 kg, and is highly recommended for those who are frequently on the go. 

Top 7 benefits you can derive from using a Sound Oasis Basic White Noise Machine are:

Available at

  1. Create your own sound environment.   You can program your own sound environment by inserting a sound card that contains 6 nature sounds and choose whichever you like to listen to on any given day, depending on your mood.

  1. Great for tinnitus relief.  Sound Oasis Basic White Noise Machine is not only an effective noise masking system, it also has been proven to provide relief among tinnitus sufferers.

  1. Blocks irritating noise uniformly, and effectively.  You can create a peaceful environment anywhere, anytime.  As a result, you do not only get to sleep easier, you also enjoy a long and restful sleep.  

  1. Produces high level of concentration.  Without irritating noise to disturb your focus, you become more efficient and productive.

  1. Portable.  As the unit weighs only 2 kgs., it is easy to pack and carry when you travel.

  1. Multi-purpose timer.  You have 4 options to choose from, according to your needs:  continuous, 30, 60, and 90 minutes.

  1. Easy set-up; no technical expertise needed.  To save space, you can mount your unit to a wall, or make it lay flat on a surface, or set it up in an upright position.

Sound Oasis Basic White Noise Machine is powered by 4 "AA" batteries, which makes it a favorite among frequent travelers.  It also has an AC adapter for home or office use.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Use White Noise to Avoid Wasting Time Running a Home Business

White noise refers to soft, low-level background sound that is used to cover-up or mask intruding noise. It is produced by a white noise machine that comes in different models: for home use, office use, or travel. For effective coverage, choose the appropriate model for your specific sound masking needs.
Running a home business has its advantages, as well as its downsides. Most home business owners love their full rein on time; no boss, no time sheets, and nobody’s looking over their shoulder when they work. However, there are those who are unhappy with having too much time on their hands while running a home business, most especially if they have little to show for it.

Tips on How to Avoid Wasting Time

1. Make use of Sound Masking Technology. Starting a home business is an excellent idea, but keeping at it in the midst of noise coming from all corners of a house requires more than perseverance; it needs technology. This is where a white noise machine becomes an indispensable tool to a more productive home office.

Privacy Guard White Noise System available at

2. Define your Priorities. Rate them according to importance and relevance to your goals.
3. Decide on a Daily Schedule - more importantly, respect it. Writing a “To Do” list allocate productive time to priority tasks. When these get gone, you can start working on other tasks not in your priority list.
4. Set time breaks. These are 20-minute breaks you allow yourself to rest; take a walk in the yard, listen to good music, smell the flowers, have a cup of coffee…but make sure you don’t overdo it. Inasmuch as it is important to focus on your priority tasks and get these done, your body also needs a break. You will feel less stressed if you close your eyes during these 20-minute breaks, and allow them to rest. Your neck and shoulder muscles need to relax, too.
5. Do not trade in personal time with work, and vice versa. “There is a time for everything under the heavens”… you work when it is time to work, but when it is time to focus on yourself or on your family, do not hesitate to do it. Work is just one aspect of your life, regardless of how important it is, your life should not revolve solely around it.
Lack of concentration destroys your momentum to finish your work on time, and as you need extra time to get things done, you defy your daily schedule. A white noise machine can help you focus on work, so you will have time to share with people and things you care the most.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Need to Install White Noise Machine in Hospitals

“I can’t sleep in here, Mom let me go home” Kim told Therese. 

“But you are not well yet” Therese answered.

“How can I get well, Mom?  I can hear every footstep outside of my room, doors opening and closing every few minutes, and I don’t even have to peep; as soon as I hear giggles outside , I am sure that Dr. Ross, the hospital’s resident doctor who looks like Keanu Reeves, is making his hospital rounds!  Please, Mom let me go home…”

 Kim’s hospital experience is shared by many patients who have complained of not getting enough sleep during their hospital stay because of distracting noise.

When a patient is deprived of sleep, she experiences a faster heart rate; her blood pressure rises above normal, and she gets agitated. Feeling stressed-out while confined in a hospital bed does not sound like a patient is on her way to recovery, does it?

 Here is an innovative solution:  white noise machines for homes, individual offices, travels, and yes – hospitals and clinics!

Photo credit:  Phaitoon/

Monday, September 10, 2012

Sound Masking can Save You Money: The Cost of Noise

How long have you "killed time" in front of the water cooler chatting with a colleague, during office hours?  And how many hours more have you spent the entire day, while being paid for to do your job, listening to conversations around you?  Each time you pay attention to noise, somebody else is losing money - no, not your co-worker - but your employer!  And you knew what happened when someone killed the hen that laid the golden egg...

Sadly, you didn't care, did you?  Six more people in the same office may have done the same thing, and unwittingly, did not know how small acts of dilly-dallying in front of the phone, or the water cooler, can cost somebody's business a lot of small financial leaks to fix.  And "small leaks can sink a ship!"

Noisy co-workers may cause you, and each other, distractions that can hamper focus on a task-at-hand.  It is possible to commit errors at work when you lack concentration, and some errors can have repercussions that may be too hard to fix.  "It can bring the house down", so to speak.

White noise machine for individual offices can minimize, if not totally eliminate, noise distractions.  It masks intruding noise with the use of natural sounds that, uniformly and effectively, neutralize noise.  Privacy Guard White Noise System, a white noise machine with adaptive mode, is by far the most technologically-equipped sound masking system for individual office use. is a legit source of white noise machines for home use, office use, or for travel.  

Do your part to energize your productivity by weakening the hold of noise on your concentration while you work.  White noise machines for individual use is reasonably-priced; you can easily afford one.

Photo credits:  Master Isolated Images/

Thursday, September 6, 2012

White Noise Machine with Adaptive Mode for Hassle-Free Office Noise Masking

White noise machines, alternately called sound maskingsystems, seem to be the “in” thing among offices in high-rise buildings, and even in homes.  Innovation has not stopped there.  Today, travelers carry in their backpack lightweight models of these machines.  But have you heard about a white noise machine that automatically adjusts to the volume of noise in the environment without your lifting a finger?

What Makes White Noise Machines Tick?

What makes white noise machines popular is their uniform and effective noise coverage.  Unlike partition walls, white noise machines provide oral privacy; conversations, particularly those confidential in nature, remain in the boardroom.  Without sound masking systems in place, eavesdroppers would have a field day every time.  You would not want your competitors to get wind of your company’s trade secrets and product launches, would you?

Not All White Noise Machines are Created Equal

Privacy Guard WhiteNoise Machines has an adaptive mood feature that automatically adjusts its privacy settings, according to the level of noise in its environment. 

Ordinary white noise machines mask noise; however, when the level of noise increases, the amount of coverage that ordinary white noise machines provide does not adjust accordingly.  In effect, conversations, which may be too personal or confidential, still find their way to people who should not be privy to them.
Hassle-free sound masking is within your reach at  Privacy Guard White Noise Machine is an investment you should not miss, if you want to ensure a bigger stake at profitability either as a corporate employee or as an entrepreneur working from home.